Kabir Khanna

CBS News poll finds tight race in Georgia, where Trump has 2-point edge over Harris

It's a toss-up race for Georgia's 16 electoral votes. Four years after the state narrowly went blue ...

politics | 2 weeks ago

CBS News poll for 2024 Senate races shows Democrats lead in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

Though Democrats face a formidable U.S. Senate map in 2024, they're currently ahead in three key rac...

us | 1 month ago

2024 Kamala Harris v. Donald Trump battleground-state estimates

Here are CBS News' latest estimates of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's support in the most competit...

us | 1 month ago

5 things to know about CBS News' 2024 Battleground Tracker election poll analysis

The CBS News Battleground Tracker is back, explaining what's on voters' minds and regularly providin...

us | 3 months ago

Views of Trump trial unchanged following verdict — CBS News poll

Views about former President Donald Trump's New York criminal trial after the verdict look much like...

politics | 4 months ago

Most believe Trump probably guilty of crime as his NYC trial comes to an end, CBS News poll finds

As Donald Trump's trial in New York City nears closing arguments, most Americans believe he is guilt...

us | 4 months ago

Democrats start out ahead in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin 2024 Senate races — CBS News Battleground Tracker poll

As Democrats play defense in U.S. Senate races this year, two battleground-state incumbents start ou...

us | 5 months ago